24 hour Copenhagen Card: A Utility Maximizing Itinerary

The Copenhagen Card is highly recommended for any visitor to the Danish capital, even if it is not your first visit. However, the price point is structured in such a way that the 399 DKK (£47|$60) cost for getting a 24 hour card might seem like it would take some effort to recoup (compared to say 899 DKK for 5 days => 180 DKK / 24 hours). This is especially true if Tivoli Gardens are closed (QQ, operating times) and you don’t plan to visit one of the amazing attractions that are far from the city centre (looking at you Viking Ship Museum and Louisiana Museum of Art + Kronborg Castle, each an hour away by train). Dalek bought one and tried to make back the cost, read on to see if success was achieved! (TL;DR, duh)


Rosenborg Palace ballroom

Copenhagen Card Website: https://copenhagencard.com/

A film at the Tycho Brahe planetarium

I’m not going to lie, I love planetariums and did wish for a nice screen + nerdy documentary to be part of the Copenhagen card discounts. My wish was granted as the screen was absolutely kickass and the visuals so good, it put me into a existential crises of big-bang proportions (because of course a movie called “The History of Earth” will make it a point to show how the earth is a tiny speck in the universe). Did pay 20 DKK out of pocket to get regular earphones that could be plugged in to the seat’s English audio output (suspect you can use your own).

Cost without card: 160 DKK

Running total of savings / card cost: 160 DKK / 399 DKK

Christiansbourg Palace Attractions

There’s only one phrase to properly describe Christiansbourgslot – “Regally Stylish”. The Reception Rooms are so stunning and I wish I had more time to admire the tapestries or study the lineage of the Danish Royal family. If you have time to only see one part of the palace, do make it the Reception Rooms (95 DKK standalone). Absolutely amazing.


Cannot get enough of the Tapestry room, seriously


Selfie maine le li aaj


The exquisite throne Room

I had some more time to visit the Royal Kitchen and the Ruins under the castle (standalone 60 DKK each) but not the Royal Stables. I think I can live with the last bit having seen the grand Royal coach selection during my most recent trip to Versailles. Devote a fair chunk of time to this palace if you can, it is beautiful in the extreme.


A fraction of the copperware on display in the kitchens

Tip: Lifts take visitors up to the very top of the tower and I can only imagine how pretty the sweeping views of the city would look like from the top on a clear day (featured image). Allow time for an airport style security process.

Cost (of combined ticket) without card: 160 DKK and lasts a month making it perfect for locals and 4 day visitors.

Running total of savings / card cost: 320 DKK / 399 DKK

Crown Jewels at the Rosenborg Palace

Not only is the 400 year-old Rosenborgslot home to some pretty unique architecture (including turrets), exhibits (a chair that was used to wet a guest’s pants, not kidding) and artifacts – the reason it pulls in the crowds are the crown jewels in the treasury. Sure, it does not have the glitz of the Tower of London and all the dazzling diamonds the English stole were gifted with sincerity from the colonies. But it is genuine, regal and unpretentious while being a stunningly diverse selection. Much recommended.


The jewel in the crown (jewels)


More jewel studded ornaments

Cost without card: 115 DKK

Running total of savings / card cost: 435 DKK / 399 DKK (already in profit territory!)

Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek (Art Museum)

Last stop on the whistle-stop tour of 24 hours around CPH was the customary art museum of choice. Based on recommendations from friends, we chose the more boozy sounding yet completely expectation subverting Carlsberg Glyptotek. Pretty good size and decent collection but not close to the Lourve / Rijksmuseum territory. They had an interesting Odilon Redon exhibition running. Worth a visit but this is what I’d swap out with a Tivoli Gardens had it been open.

Cost without card: 115 DKK

Running total of savings / card cost: 550 DKK / 399 DKK

Free Public Transport

The best perk of all for a public transport traveller. All the buses, metros and trains I could ask for. Their trains are especially modern and efficient making them my preferred mode to transport, even for short distances. The sad bit is that I never went beyond the Airport Zone and hence will consider the day pass price of 80 DKK as savings instead of 150 DKK.


Platform 9 3/4 at Copenhagen Central – Wizards and Witches know whats up

Cost without card: 80 DKK

Running total of savings / card cost: 630 DKK / 399 DKK


Of course, it is a buy all the way. It is surprisingly a really good deal for the whistle-stop public transport traveller, perhaps not as much as the longer stay visitor. And there’s a bunch of things one can do for free in the capital, something to be covered in the CPH blogpost. Here’s a summary of Dalek’s trip with parts of his MBA program activities thrown in

Hope you all had a great Sunday and wish for a fantastic week ahead!

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2 thoughts on “24 hour Copenhagen Card: A Utility Maximizing Itinerary

  1. Kyla says:

    This is such a handy review of the Copenhagen card for someone like myself who is planning a trip to Denmark. I can never know whether or not to purchase one of these city cards -especially when I am trying to keep to a budget. Lovely photos of your trip, especially the pictures you took of the Christianbourg Palace.

    Liked by 1 person

    • yodandalek says:

      Thank you so much for the appreciation Kyla. I have been quite candid about my own experience and I still feel that the 24 hour variety is the hardest to extract value from. Hope your trip to Copenhagen is fruitful and that you thoroughly enjoy yourself in the lovely Danish capital.


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